Going Green is Gold - Eco-Friendly Upgrades that Add Value to Your Property

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Going Green is Gold - Eco-Friendly Upgrades that Add Value to Your Property

Investing in eco-friendly upgrades for your home is not only good for the environment but can also help your property to stand out above the rest should you decide to put your home on the market, with the new generation of buyers preferring to opt for homes with eco-friendly features. Add to this the rising costs and supply shortages of both water and electricity which make greener homes ever more appealing.

Rainwater Harvesting Systems

One particular upgrade that is highly valued among the environmentally conscious is installing a rainwater harvesting system and storage tank on your property. While the initial outlay of purchasing and installation may be fairly costly, there are numerous environmental, as well as financial, benefits which will lead to you saving you money in the long term - and not just on your monthly water bill. Rainwater harvesting can also help to prevent water pooling in your garden after heavy rains and reduce soil erosion, and thanks to rainwater's lack of chlorine or any other chemical  additives, it is healthier for your plants. Also, with your own water supply secured your home won't be affected by occasional service interruptions.

Greywater Collection

Another option you can consider is a greywater collection system. Greywater refers to the relatively clean waste water coming from things like sinks, baths, washing machines, etc. and does not include sewage or water coming from the toilet. While not fit for consumption, it can still serve a variety of uses such as for washing windows or your car, flushing toilets, and irrigation - although depending on the amount of detergent in the greywater it can be harmful to plants.

There's also a relatively newer technology in household water conservation, known as a Redwater Diverter. This is essentially a simple valve system that gets installed into your home plumbing which, when you open your hot water tap, diverts the initial stream of cool water that would normally flow down the drain back into a storage tank instead, or to the garden, or even into your swimming pool.

Generating Solar Electricity

Solar power systems are another appealing and value-adding green feature for buyers. Again, the initial expense investing in a solar power system can seem daunting but will invariably end up paying for itself in savings over a 3-5 year period depending on the system, as well as helping to relieve the country's burdened power supply grid and reduce your home's reliance on Eskom. Not to mention sparing you the inconvenience of frequent load shedding.

If a full solar power system is currently not an option for your household, another major energy-saving alternative is investing in a solar geyser. There is a wealth of considerations that need to be taken into account when choosing to invest in a solar geyser, so be sure to consult a reputable industry professional before you invest.

Whilst not necessarily as eco-friendly as solar energy, switching to using gas as an energy alternative for cooking and heating water can also help to reduce your electricity usage and save money.

If you're looking to upgrade your property in order to increase its value or buyer appeal, speak to a Property Specialist in your area who can advise you more specifically what is in demand among buyers in the region and offer you guidance in terms of property value.

Contact Home and Hectare on 041 581 1744 or email if you're considering listing your property for sale and one of our Property Specialists will get back to you.

Author: Home & Hectare

Submitted 02 Sep 21 / Views 1088